Communicative structures marketing oriented, aimed at optimizing business communications in order to improve the target-client conversion process, in Luxury.

The SEMIOMARKETING is a strategy, an art, a technique and a game. It ‘still a complex system, formed by innumerable variables that interacting with each other can make obtain an effective result. The effectiveness of communication (and therefore its persuasive power) is not achieved easily and “instinctively” as many are led to believe, but only with the intelligent, cautious and aware use of sound, visual, verbal and non-verbal narrative variables.

SEMIOMARKETING discovers the secrets to create evocative luxury advertising, which stimulates the target to buy and so to become customers and the subliminal messages sent through shapes, colors, symbols and icons to evoke the desire to possess a luxury object, which act on our psyche. Only with careful study and knowledge of the various tricks of communication adapted to the various transmission channels (video, print, Web) you can hope to produce effective communication, so persuasive, so winning.

Cinzia Ligas, semiotician, and Fausto Crepaldi, digital media director, are among the foremost experts in Italy in luxury communication. They are consultants in semiomarketing, fashion semiology, fashion video advertising and virtual fashion, and lecturers at various prestigious university institutes.

book – euro 19,90

First edition – September 2015
Publishing series “Semiorix”

You can buy it here:

SEMIOMARKETING: THE BOOK SEMIOMARKETING: THE BOOK Reviewed by Polisemantica on 4:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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